Anonymous message

anonymous asked:

So if The Doctor has pockets that are bigger on the inside, has Zepheera ever gotten lost in them? If she has, did she find anything cool inside?

She’d have a rough time navigating them, that’s for sure!

Personally, I don’t think the Doctor’s pockets are massively expansive on the inside, just big enough that he can fit way more than he’d normally be able to and not be bogged down. Still, that’s a lot of space for someone who’s only four and a half inches tall.

Zepheera would definitely be miffed to be pocketed, not to mention the significantly bigger drop than she expected. She’d rifle around trying to find a way to get back to the top, and probably find some cool stuff along the way.

She will demand they figure out a way for her to be able to hide in the pocket without having to fall all the way in and not be able to find her own way out.

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